Contributing to Python WireMock


WireMock exists and continues to thrive due to the efforts of over 150 contributors, and we continue to welcome contributions to its evolution. Regardless of your expertise and time you could dedicate, there’re opportunities to participate and help the project!

This page covers contributing to Python WireMock. For generic guidelines and links to other technology stacks, see this page.

Get Started

  1. Join us ion the #wiremock-python channel on the WireMock Slack
  2. Check out the GitHub issues!

Pull Requests

All patches to the repository are done via pull requests. No special prerequisites exist, you can just submit the patches! General expectations:

  • All Tests and static checkers must pass
  • Code coverage shouldn't decrease
  • All Pull Requests should be rebased against master before submitting the PR.
  • The Pull Request titles represent the change well for users or developers


We use Poetry for packaging and dependency management.

After forking and cloning the repository, run the following command to setup the project:

poetry install

Then use your favorite IDE for development and testing.

Contributing examples

Please submit new examples as a pull requests to the examples directory. You can also also add links to external examples and tutorials to the file in the directory.

When adding new examples, make sure to update the documentation site page too.

Working on Documentation

The documentation is powered by MkDocs and ReadTheDocs. All the necessary dependencies are included into the Poetry definition. To build the docs locally:

poetry run mkdocs build --site-dir=html

MkDocs also comes with a built-in dev-server that lets you preview your documentation as you work on it by running the mkdocs serve command. By default, it will deploy the live documentation site to http://localhost:8000.

See also